Is Mumbai on the verge of exploding?

A decade back, a cartoonist turned politician claimed that the infrastructure of Maharashtra state and particularly Mumbai is being burdened by the outsiders from UP and Bihar. This claim created a rift between the son of soils and outsiders as Marathis Vs Non-Marathis . It also didn’t go well with the classes who were kind of settled in Mumbai and the masses who came in the business capital of India in search of bread and butter (or name and fame). This time again, the politician has raised the same claim although skilfully, when 23 innocent people got killed in a stampede at Elphinstone Road Foot Over Bridge. The political parties in opposition have raised the issue of infrastructure in Mumbai after this mishap and the recent flooding situation in Mumbai on August 29. Both the incidents underline one common thing and that is Mumbai's infrastructure is overloaded and on the verge of exploding. One thing I always wonder in Mumbai, wherefrom so many people come to (all th...