Achieving a milestone in education...

‘Education never goes waste’ was what my mother told me when I was studying in Engineering College. She was the first graduate from her village, back in the seventies, whereas my father was the first post-graduate in his village then. And I got the tag of the first-generation engineer in my family. I realized what my mother said after a few years when a company withheld a job offer for the want of my MBA degree certificate. Actually, I started doing MBA just to add value to my profile because in those days, pursuing MBA after Engineering was ‘the in thing’. Of course, finishing the MBA course was not a cakewalk. There were hiccups, as I met with an accident that made me bedridden for almost three months. I missed the project submission deadline due to which the course completion was extended by another six months. However, the obstacles made me more determined to complete the course and after recovering from the critical leg injury, I finished my project submission and subsequently g...