Why Chennai is considered as Conservative???

The question which all the people who stay in Chennai is that Why Chennai is considered as Conservative???Before coming to this city I also used to think the same. And its obvious,being a METRO and a city providing opportunities,it should not be considered like Conservative or Cheap. But the answer for this question,i got to know only when I landed in this City. No other city be it MUMBAI,DELHI,KOLKATA,BANGALORE or HYDERABAD is considered as conservative except Chennai. The reason is all these cities are open to all other cultures and languages that are found in our diverse country called INDIA. But Chennai is a city where though there are people from various parts of INDIA,the people here are not open to other cultures and languages. I do not mean that speaking tamil is "conservative and cheap" . To be proud of your mother tongue or to speak it is good,but being ignorant and indifferent towards other languages and cultures surely shows the parochial attitude of the city towards people from other regions. Also the behaviour of the people shows the narrow minded attitude. Here people wants to just lead their lives somehow and save the rest of the money. They don't know how to enjoy the life. That is why you can see the people in Tamilnadu wont eat anything beyond Sambar,Rasam n Rice in lunch,parota(they call it as Barota)-kurma in dinner and Idli-Dosa n Vada(again Vadai,as they call it) in breakfast. For travelling they will prefer to go in a 2 Rs. fare bus even if its crowded like anything n their attire throughout the year is is Lungi,no matter whether they earn 5k or 50k. And its not a joke,as i have seen many people here taking bus instead a convenient train just to save 2 Rs.Isn't it a conservative attitude?.
And @ their language problem,whole India knows that tamilians are very much averse to learn other Indian languages as they are very much proud of being a Dravidian. But they can learn English,French,Japanese very well. Isn't it an Ego to ignore Hindi and other Indian languages bycalling them North Indian. Whereas India has East-West-North n South regions.And Tamilnadu is a state in South India,not the half part of our diverse cultural country INDIA. But it's a good sign that the young generation is aware of the above facts and they are breaking the cultural barriers in Tamilnadu. So there is still a ray of Hope towards Improvement.

Atul R. Thakare
Guest in Chennai


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