What are we up to?

In the wake of the Mumbai attack by terrorists, the common man in India is all set to think about where our country and we are moving. Though our security guards and police force defeated the terrorists within sixty hours, there is a series of paradox attached to this unfortunate event. We call our self as tech-savvy and term the world as a global village, we launch a self-controlled satellite in space, trace a person in any part of the globe, but still, we cannot gauge the exact strength of the terrorists attacking the commercial capital of our country. We still ask our police to use the 1947 manufactured guns and 1857 manufactured bulletproof jackets to fight with the terrorists equipped with AK 47 rifles and latest weapons. But we won’t ask the same to be done with our politicians’ security. The (mostly corrupt?) politicians are equipped with all the XYZ plus security though they may or may not be in power, as if they are the nation’s most important property. Till date terrorists used to kill the common rather ordinary people in bomb blasts in trains, marketplaces, theatres and other public places. But this time they attacked the high profile hotel and thus the high-profile people. That is the reason all the high-profile ministers had to resign. If they do not, then the aam junta will make them step down in the coming election polls. But the aam junta also seems to be habituated to these terrorists’ attacks. In big cities, terrorists take innocent lives, whereas in villages farmers are ending their lives by committing suicides due to poverty. So what does this mean? Is mankind slowly going to exhaust like the Dinosaurs? No wonder, Tsunamis, Hurricane Katrina and earthquakes are killing people like anything. Of course, according to Indian culture, this is Kalyug and it should end soon in order to Satyug to begin. A lot of astrologists have already predicted the end of the world in 2013. But nobody can guarantee when the world is going to end. But it is for sure going to end in the near future. And we, the humans are helping it to end by our deeds. We, on one side, expect humanity and peaceful behaviour from other (person, religion or state), and we only use violent methods against the other (again person, religion or state) when it comes to action from our side. So here, we ourselves are failing to understand, what are we up to? 

We call ourselves an Agro nation, but we don’t do anything to improve our agriculture scenario. Instead, we are building skyscrapers and malls on agricultural land. We are asking our children to go for Information Technology education just to work for MNCs and receive a fat paycheque. All these MNCs are working for the G8 nations and none of the IT firms is interested in using Information Technology for improving our agriculture. And now when the US is facing a recession due to its sunken free trade policies, our IT talents are facing the brunt of job cuts. It is the case with our states’ employment policies. Very few politicians are interested in generating employment for the people of their own state. TATA Motor’s Singur Plant for Nano, which is now moved to Gujarat, is the classic example of this phenomenon. But our politicians, instead of taking a lesson from this, are showing their political prowess to prove how Mumbai is the property of all states. If the same politicians develop their own state or even their ward or constituency, for that matter, the people from that area would never go anywhere else to lead their lives. A guy like me would never leave Nagpur and work in Pune if the job opportunities in Pune are available for me in my hometown, i.e. Nagpur. We always crib about the soaring flat rates or the traffic problem in Pune, Bangalore or Mumbai for that matter, but in this case, we fail to understand that there is enough space for development in our hometowns like Nagpur, Belgaum or Aurangabad. Just we have to move our politicians in that direction. But there is a minimal possibility that they will look at this big picture, ignoring their vested interests. Because they will understand only when the terrorists attack their office i.e.Parliament or their house. Only then their conscience will awake and they will ask themselves what are we up to?


Atri said…
"....But our politicians, instead of taking lesson from this, are showing their political prowess to prove how Mumbai is the property of all states. If the same politicians develop their own state or even their ward or constituency, for that matter, the people from that area would never go anywhere else to lead their lives. A guy like me would never leave Nagpur and work in Pune, if the job opportunities in Pune are available for me in my hometown, i.e. Nagpur. We always crib about the soaring flat rates or the traffic problem in Pune, Bangalore or Mumbai for that matter, but in this case, we fail to understand that there is enough space for development in our hometowns like Nagpur, Belgaun or Aurangabad....."

Dear Atul
I am in line with your article completely except on the text quoted above. If you say that Mumbai is not a property of all states, you are right but if you think that mumbai does not belong to all indians, you are wrong. It belongs to all of us, just like all other cities.
If you say that because YOU dont want to take ownership of Delhi, Bangalore or Kolkata, NO Delhiite, bangalorean or calcuttaite SHOULD take the ownership of Mumbai then you are WRONG. There are people who see all cities as their own, like me.
"YOU" would not go to Mumbai if you had opportunities in your hometown, but "I" would certainly go and settle in Mumbai just because of my love for the city. And if someone tells me to go back to my home town, he's being unfair.
Just think, if we'd just stuck to our native places since the beginning of the civilization, there would've been no civilization at all. We moved, we settled, we developed and we moved on again. Thats the secret of our development.
You have all the rights to hate a person or a community and you may differ in your views. But if you forcefully stop somebody who wishes to settle in another city, you have NO right to do so (except if he is trying to intrude in a property, legally owned by YOU and just YOU - and if it happens, dont panic, simply lodge a complaint with a local police station!)

Atri Joshi
Delhi - Mumbai - Bangalore
Dear Atri (or Arti?),

I m happy to see your response. And I m not in favor of regionalism
either. As we as Indians should be united to rule out terrorism from
our country. But at the same time we should forget the petty politics.
Hope you agree with this.

Good Day

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