Thinking critically... to avoid cyber frauds!

'Hello, This is Major Arjun from Indian Army. I have seen your ad for a flat on rent. Is the flat still available?' Asked the person from another end of the call.

'Yes, the flat is available.' I affirmed.

'I am transferred to Pune and will be joining duty in the next 10 days. I am looking for a flat for rent for my family,' Major Arjun explained.

'Ok. How many members are there in your family?'

'Four, including myself.'

'No problem. When can you come to see the flat?' I asked.

'Actually, I am in Hyderabad right now. If you can send me the video of the flat, I can show it to my wife and finalize.'

'Fine. I will send the video. The photographs are already on the property portal.' I replied.

'Yes, I have seen the photos and I have liked those. But as I cannot personally visit the property, I asked for the video.'

'No issues, I am sending the video, right away.'

'Ok. I will call you once you send me the video.'

In another ten minutes, I got a call from Major Arjun.

'My wife has liked the flat. And I want to finalize it,' He said.

I couldn't believe my ears, as within a few minutes I was about to get a tenant for my flat. After COVID and WFH scenario, selling and renting a property in Pune had become a herculean task.

'Ok. So are you going to give me the token today?'

'Yes. In fact, I can send you the whole deposit today.'

His statement made me heave a sigh of relief.

'Fine. Shall I give you my account details then?'

'Ok. But my employer will transfer it through Army card.'

'No problem. But before that, I would like to have the Aadhar card copies of all family members,' I explained.

'I am forwarding it right now. Just be online.'


'Also, I will be sending money through UPI.'

'No issues. My cell number is the same as Google Pay. You can transfer it over there.'

'Are you online? If you can open your Google Pay, I can do the transaction through Army card.'

I thought for a moment and said, 'Yes I am online, you may transfer the amount.'

'I can do it once you register the army card on Gpay from your end.'

I was perplexed to hear this, so I asked.

'Is this a new system? Because as far as I understand, the person who pays has to just transfer the amount to the payee's account or mobile.'

'Yes, that is with normal accounts, but for Army cards, the system works this way.'

I wasn't convinced but I agree to register Major Arjun's account in a bid to receive the deposit.

So, I opened my Google pay and keyed his account number with the amount. However, there was no option to register but only pay.

'What happened? Are you able to register?' Major Arjun asked from the other end.

'Nope. It's asking to pay.' I replied.

'No issues, just click pay and enter your pin' He instructed confidently.

'What? How will it be credited to my account if I press pay?'

'No worries sir, it will be credited to your account. You just have to write your name in the description and mention deposit to your account.'

'I am sorry, but I can't go ahead with this process. Please send it to my account' I asserted.

'I won't be able to do that, as this is an army card' He told.

'Then leave it. Do let me know when you can transfer it to my account' I replied firmly.

'So you don't want to receive the deposit, is it?' He asked me.

'I want a tenant for my flat. But I don't want to lose my money in a bet to receive the deposit, that's it.' I remained firm on my stand.

'Ok. Get lost then,' He lost his cool.

'What? What did you just say?

'Keep the phone down,' He said.

'So, it means you are a fraud, right?'

'Go to hell.' he said and disconnected the call.

A series of thoughts went through my mind.

What if I had believed Major Arjun-the fraud?

What if I had transferred money in the heat of the moment?

What if ...?

Actually, the fraud had applied the right tactics with optimum pressure at the very moment to trap me. But it was the critical thinking ability that saved me from falling into his trap.

As a learner of Critical Thinking, I urge all my friends to think from all aspects before making any decision that involves financial commitment.

Be alert, be safe.


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